Akita Prefectural Skating Rink
Akita Prefectural Skating Rink is located in Akita City, Akita Prefecture. There is a rink for speed skating, and a rink for field hockey, figurines, etc. in the central area. Gett …

ALSOK Gunma Ice Arena
ALSOK Gunma Ice Arena is an ice skating rink in Gunma Prefecture, located in the Gunma Sports Center. It is a venue that also hosts figure skating competitions. In 2017, the All Ja …

Aquarina Toyohashi
Aquarena Toyohashi is located in Toyohashi General Sports Park, which is a swimming pool in summer and a skating rink in winter. In the past, the park has also hosted ice shows suc …

Bandai Atami Ice Arena
Bandai Atami Ice Arena is a skating rink located in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture. The Tohoku Free Blades, a member of the Asian Ice Hockey League, sometimes play their home …

Bell Sunpia Miyagi
Bell Sunpia Miyagi Izumi is a complex with a hotel, swimming pool, tennis court, golf driving range, and skating rink located in the suburbs of Sendai. It's a bit far from the near …

Big Hat (Nagano City Wakasato Multipurpose Sports Arena)
Big Hut was one of the main venues for ice hockey during the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics. After the Olympics, it hosted the All-Japan Figurative Skating Championships and other eve …

DyDo Drinco Ice Arena (Higashi Fushimi Ice Arena)
DyDo Drinco Ice Arena is a skating rink located in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo. It is a venue where Asian League ice hockey matches are held, as well as figure skating competitions. The rin …

Enagic Sports World Southern Hill Ice Arena
The Enagic Sports World Southern Hill Ice Arena is an ice skating rink located in Okinawa. It is the only ice skating rink in Okinawa Prefecture . This is the skating rink where Ma …
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Hamamatsu Sports Center
Hamamatsu Sports Center is a skating rink located in Hamamatsu City. It is located in an area about a 5-minute walk from the Hamamatsu Arena. Mao Asada's ice shows and other events …

Hill Hotel Sunpia Iga Ice Skating Rink (closed)
Hill Hotel Sunpia Iga is located in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, and has a skating rink adjacent to the hotel. However, unfortunately, the ice skating rink is no longer in operation a …