"Where to Stay" in Tsu, Matsuzaka, Iga, Nabari

The areas of Tsu, Matsuzaka, Iga, and Nabari do not have nationally famous tourist spots that you need to stay overnight to visit, so you may not have the opportunity to stay overnight in this area.
This is an area where you should choose a hotel after carefully considering your itinerary, checking the train back home after watching the game.


Tsu Municipal Baseball Stadium

Tsu Municipal Baseball Stadium is a baseball stadium located in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture. In recent years, the stadium has not hosted any official professional baseball games, but …

Meihan Field

Meihan Field is a track and field stadium located in Nabari City, Mie Prefecture. The track and field field is located in Nabari Central Park, which has a gymnasium, track and fiel …

AGF Suzuka Gymnasium

AGF Suzuka Gymnasium is a gymnasium located in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture. It is the gymnasium where the Mie Violet Iris of the Japan Handball League (women's) play their home gam …


Saorina, located in Tsu, Mie Prefecture, also has a "SAORIUM" where you can see Mr. Yoshida's achievements. It is located in the area just inside the main entrance of Saorina. Here …

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